As Leaders

Our job as leaders, when we are running group programs is to develop from the get go a level of mutual love, trust and respect between ourselves as the coach or the mentor, and each one of our individual clients.

So in order for our clients to be open, be vulnerable, to feel safe to experience a transformation that we’re promising, they must have love, trust and respect of us. And then they must feel that coming from us as well.

And that is your job as the facilitator is to create it, and develop it among the peer group.

Connection Is Key

Your clients will stay in your ecosystem, not just because they have a community, rather, because they feel CONNECTED to each other in a healthy way. There is a significant difference. A community alone does not develop a healthy, deep, positive sense of CONNECTION among a group of people. If you want to drastically improve client retention, success, experience and satisfaction…the #1 answer is a Sense Of Connection.

Listen to the full episode here!